The April issue of ACP Internist is online and coming to your mailbox
The April issue of ACP Internist features stories on pulmonary hypertension, work-life balance and more.
The April issue of ACP Internist features the following stories:

Learn to see signs of an often fatal disease. Pulmonary arterial hypertension can be recognized and treated. But it remains a diagnosis that is often missed, and the delay can lead to a rapidly progressing and fatal outcome. Learn the signs beyond a patient who reports “being out of breath.”
Work-life balance easily upset, tough to ignore. Doctors sometimes struggle with their own poor health choices, as busy days in the office are carried home. Burnout, depression and stress can lead to smoking, drinking and weight gain. Find a balance that works.
Probiotics have potential, though definitive evidence is lacking. Probiotics are gaining some rationale for use—not for everything, but for preventing antibiotic-associated diarrhea and Clostridium difficile infections in hospitals. But many products on the market don't live up to their own hype.
Patients with diabetes experience vision loss at ever-earlier ages. Just as diabetes is affecting younger populations, so are its consequences. Childhood obesity can translate into diabetic retinopathy in patients in their 20s, which requires a response from the primary care community.
Take our poll and tell us about your own work-life balance. And Test Yourself with the MKSAP Quiz on the most appropriate management for a 35-year-old woman with platelet clumping on a peripheral blood smear revealed on a routine exam.