ACP renames Associates and Young Physicians membership groups

In November 2012, the Board of Regents approved recommendations supported by the Councils of Associates and Young Physicians to change their names and references to their membership groups to Resident/Fellow Members and Early Career Physicians, respectively.

In November 2012, the Board of Regents approved recommendations supported by the Councils of Associates and Young Physicians to change their names and references to their membership groups to Resident/Fellow Members and Early Career Physicians, respectively.

The recommendations were developed to better reflect the current professional identity of each membership group. The Council of Resident/Fellow Members will represent internists who are in an internal medicine residency training program or in a subspecialty fellowship training program. The Council of Early Career Physicians will continue to represent physicians who are within 16 years of graduating medical school, regardless of age.

Over the next couple of months, ACP staff will be updating all print and Web communication references from Associates and Young Physicians to Resident/Fellow Members and Early Career Physicians. Changes to the Council names and these membership groups will not be reflected in materials for Internal Medicine 2013. Please contact Joanne Ey in the Executive Office with any questions.