In the News

Treatment of mild hypertension is not associated with improved outcomes

Treating patients with mild hypertension for primary prevention does not significantly reduce their morbidity or mortality, according to a new Cochrane review.

Lung cancer risk model better predictor than smoking or family history

The Liverpool Lung Project risk model was a better predictor than smoking history or family history for determining whether to send a patient for computed tomography lung cancer screening, a study found.

MKSAP Quiz: managing systemic lupus erythematosus during pregnancy

This week's quiz asks readers to advise a 29-year-old pregnant woman with systemic lupus erythematosus.

Benefit of PSA screening diminished in an analysis of ERSPC data using QALYs

A new analysis quantified the effects of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening on men's quality of life.

CABG associated with nearly three times the stroke risk of PCI

Coronary revascularization by coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) compared with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is associated with an increased risk of stroke, a meta-analysis found.

Warfarin associated with lower stroke, systemic thromboembolism risk in patients with both afib and CKD

The addition of chronic kidney disease (CKD) to atrial fibrillation is associated with an increased risk of stroke or systemic thromboembolism and bleeding. Warfarin treatment was associated with decreasing this risk, a new study found.

CDC recommends hepatitis C screening for all patients born from 1945 to 1965

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that all Americans born between 1945 and 1965 should have a one-time screening for hepatitis C, according to new recommendations published in Annals of Internal Medicine.

Next season's flu vaccine approved

The influenza vaccine formulation for the 2012-2013 season has been approved, the FDA announced last week.

Seasonal flu vaccine tool available

The HealthMap Vaccine Finder, a Web-based flu vaccine locator which helps physicians post their flu vaccine services, has been redesigned and is now available online.

New rule to simplify electronic payment transactions

The Department of Health and Human Services has released a new rule meant to facilitate the ability of physician practices to receive claim payments electronically and reduce the burden and cost faced by practices in reconciling payments from their different payers.

The August issue of ACP Hospitalist is online

The August issue of ACP Hospitalist is online and includes stories on patient-centered care, atrial fibrillation, and more.

Apply for the 2013 Health Policy Internship

Applications are now being accepted for the 2013 ACP Health Policy Internship program.

Vote for your favorite entry

ACP InternistWeekly's cartoon caption contest continues. Readers can vote for their favorite caption to determine the winner.