In the News

Task force recommends exercise, vitamin D to prevent falls in elderly

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends exercise or physical therapy and vitamin D supplementation to prevent falls in at-risk community-dwelling adults aged 65 years or older.

IDSA diabetic foot infection guideline covers diagnosis and treatment

A new clinical practice guideline from the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) provides detailed instruction on diagnosis and treatment of diabetic foot infections.

MKSAP Quiz: 2-year history of enlargement and discomfort of the metacarpophalangeal joints

This week's quiz asks readers to evaluate a 62-year-old man for a two-year history of enlargement and discomfort of the metacarpophalangeal joints of both hands.

Task force issues review, draft recommendations against hormone therapy for primary prevention

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force has reviewed the latest evidence on using menopausal hormone therapy for primary prevention of chronic disease and has issued draft recommendations.

Prednisolone may reduce mild, moderate sequelae in Bell's palsy

Treatment with prednisolone may reduce mild and moderate sequelae of Bell's palsy, according to a new study.

Aspirin appears to reduce recurrence of VTE after stopping anticoagulants

Aspirin reduced the risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE) recurrence with no apparent increase in major bleeding in patients who had an initial unprovoked VTE and had discontinued anticoagulant treatment, a study found.

Medicare to send Comparative Billing Reports to primary care clinicians to facilitate accurate billing

This June, CMS will be sending a Comparative Billing Report to a select group of 5,000 primary care clinicians, focusing on evaluation and management codes for office visits.

Medicare e-prescribing deadlines approaching on June 30

Two deadlines loom for the Medicare e-Prescribing Incentive Program.

Version 5010 compliance deadline is approaching

The enforcement discretion period for all HIPAA-covered entities to complete their upgrade to the version 5010 electronic standards ends on June 30.

The next issue is online and coming to your mailbox

June's edition of ACP Internist wraps up coverage from Internal Medicine 2012.

ACP joins Million Hearts Campaign

ACP has joined the Million Hearts Campaign, an initiative that aims to prevent a million heart attacks and strokes over the next five years.

Waste not, want not

Fred Ralston Jr., MD, MACP, a past president of ACP and a practicing internist in Fayetteville, Tenn., writes at about current efforts to practice high-value, cost-conscious care.

Governance Committee seeks Regent and Treasurer candidates for 2013

ACP's Governance Committee, which oversees the process for nominating and electing Masters and Fellows of the College to the Board of Regents, is beginning the process of seeking Regents to join the Board in May 2013. The position of Treasurer will also open in 2013.

And the winner is …

ACP InternistWeekly has tallied the voting from its latest cartoon contest, where readers are invited to match wits against their peers to provide the most original and amusing caption.