In the News
Screening mammography may benefit younger women with increased breast cancer risk
Screening mammography may have more benefit than harm in women 40 to 49 years of age who are at increased risk for breast cancer, according to two new studies published in today's Annals of Internal Medicine.
Neurology guidelines rate migraine prophylaxis options
Prescription, over-the-counter and complementary treatments for migraine prevention were evaluated in two new guideline updates from the American Academy of Neurology.
MKSAP Quiz: Screening urine culture grows E. coli
This week's quiz asks readers to evaluate a 65-year-old woman whose insurance policy screening reveals Escherichia coli.
ALA recommends low-dose CT screening for current, former smokers with at least 30 pack-years, ages 55 to 74
Low-dose screening with computed tomography (CT) should be recommended for people who meet National Lung Screening Trial criteria: current or former smokers age 55 to 74 years with a smoking history of at least 30 pack-years and no history of lung cancer, according to a guidance statement released last week by the American Lung Association (ALA).
New performance measures released for in- and outpatient heart failure care
Updated heart failure performance measures, released last week by three major medical groups, include expanded use for beta-blockers in the inpatient setting. The new measures, which appear online at Circulation, include changes to inpatient and outpatient care.
Subclinical hyperthyroidism associated with CHD risk, afib risk, total mortality, study indicates
Subclinical hyperthyroidism is associated with increased risk for total mortality, coronary heart disease (CHD) mortality, and incident atrial fibrillation, according to a new study.
CMS sponsors CME on fraud and abuse
CMS is now offering a Web-based training session for physicians called “Avoiding Medicare Fraud & Abuse: A Roadmap for Physicians.”
The next issue of ACP Internist is online
The May issue of ACP Internist features stories on drug shortages, early recruitment for health careers, bed bugs, and more.
ACP and ACR issue consensus points for mammography screening
The American College of Physicians (ACP) and the American College of Radiology (ACR) recently released a joint set of talking points regarding how and when women should have screening mammograms. The points are the result of a meeting between the two organizations in May 2010 and follow-up discussions that took place through August 2011.
ACP joins the Choosing Wisely Campaign
ACP is one of nine leading physician specialty societies participating in the Choosing Wisely Campaign.
Governance committee seeks Regent, Treasurer candidates for 2013
The ACP Governance Committee oversees the process for nominating and electing Masters and Fellows of the College to the Board of Regents and is beginning the process of seeking Regents to join the Board in May 2013. The position of Treasurer will also open in 2013.
ACP Master to chair task force on Japanese nuclear disaster
Kiyoshi Kurokawa, MD, MACP, former Governor for the ACP Japan chapter, was recently designated to chair an independent task force to investigate the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
And the winner is …
ACP InternistWeekly has tallied the voting from its latest cartoon contest, where readers are invited to match wits against their peers to provide the most original and amusing caption.