Problems with eRx hardship exemptions

CMS is having trouble keeping up with the volume of physician applications for eRx hardship exemptions, the agency announced.

CMS is having trouble keeping up with the volume of physician applications for eRx hardship exemptions, the agency announced.

Because of the backlog of applications, some physicians may find that they are being subjected to the 1% payment penalty despite not having received any determination from CMS on their hardship status. CMS has asked that physicians who believe they are being affected by this situation contact the Quality Net Help Desk at (866) 288-8912 or by email. It will take approximately 45 days to correct payments.

CMS has also recently announced that the application period for hardship requests to avoid the 2013 payment adjustment will begin in early April and close on June 30, 2012. Information about qualifying and applying for a hardship is available among the College's Running a Practice eRx resources in the overview of the 2012 program.