In the News

Most doctors sued for malpractice never pay a claim

While most physicians are sued for malpractice at least once during their careers, the vast majority will never have to make an indemnity payment.

Physicians do too many Pap tests

Most physicians continue to recommend annual cervical cancer screening, despite guidelines recommending that low-risk women be tested less frequently.

MKSAP Quiz: 12-hour history of fever, myalgia, headache, and a rash

A 20-year-old female college student is evaluated in December because of a 12-hour history of fever, myalgia, headache, and a rash. Temperature is 38.8 °C (101.8 °F), blood pressure is 90/45 mm Hg, pulse rate is 112/min, and respiration rate is 24/min. A petechial rash most prominent on the lower extremities is present. What is the most likely diagnosis?

New model predicts future risk of VTE

Researchers have devised a new algorithm to predict a patient's risk of developing venous thromboembolism in the next five years, based on simple clinical variables.

Pegloticase effective in treatment refractory patients

The drug pegloticase successfully treated gout in patients who had been refractory to conventional treatment.

Updated Medical Home Builder debuts

The new Medical Home Builder is an online community that can help ambulatory care practices with any combination of quality improvement, practice efficiency, and medical home recognition preparation.

And the winner is …

ACP InternistWeekly has tallied the voting from its latest cartoon contest, where readers are invited to match wits against their peers to provide the most original and amusing caption.