Global health course featuring ACP leadership and policy in Italy this summer

ACP members are invited to participate in the European Genetics Foundation's (EGF) summer course in Comparative Health: The Reforms of the Health Care Systems in a Globalized World, co-directed by ACP's associate executive vice president John Tooker, MACP, MBA.

ACP members are invited to participate in the European Genetics Foundation's (EGF) summer course in Comparative Health: The Reforms of the Health Care Systems in a Globalized World, co-directed by ACP's associate executive vice president John Tooker, MACP, MBA, and featuring an array of international speakers.

This post-graduate level course will be held Aug. 29 to Sept. 2, 2011 at the Euro Mediterranean University Center of Ronzano in Bologna, Italy, and will provide an up-to-date review of the field of comparative studies of health systems and medical care. ACP and its health care reform policies will be included in the course.

The cost of the course has been reduced to 550 Euro due to philanthropic sponsorship. In addition, fellowships are available; young interested participants should submit their applications before July 15. More information and registration for the course are online.