ACP Hospitalist is online and coming to your mailbox
The latest issue of ACP Hospitalist is now online, featuring stories on partial DNRs, antibiotic stewardship and ICU care, plus more.
The latest issue of ACP Hospitalist is now online.
Features include:
Partial DNRs cause problems for physicians, patients. Partial DNRs can be attractive to patients, but they may cause more problems than they solve.
Expert details the drugs that best fight the most common bugs. Ten years ago, infection control was the biggest trend in tackling hospital-based infectious diseases. Now the new hot area is antibiotic stewardship.
ID specialist describes other causes of elevated temperature. When you see a patient with a temperature of 101, what do you note in the chart? Probably “fever,” right? Maybe not.
Are you involved in hospital medicine? Then you should be getting ACP Hospitalist, the monthly publication from the American College of Physicians that keeps hospitalists informed about the latest trends and issues in the field. Subscribe online.