The next issue is online and coming to your mailbox
The June issue of ACP Internist is online, featuring stories about evaluating knee injuries, palliative care and incorporating well visits for Medicare patients.
The June issue of ACP Internist is online, featuring stories about:
Evaluating ‘weekend warrior’ knee injuries. Knee injuries are a common complaint in the primary care setting. Many diagnostic tests can be performed in under a minute, sparing unneeded referrals to orthopedists.
Palliative care. Three stories outline ways to involve palliative care earlier, clarify its value to the public, and discuss prognosis with patients.
Well visits not just for kids anymore. Medicare now reimburses for annual physical exams, so prepare your office, your patients and yourself for the best way to incorporate this into your practice.
More stories and the MKSAP Quiz, in which a 48-year-old woman is evaluated for a rash on her legs, arthralgia and myalgia, low-grade fever and fatigue of 4 weeks' duration, can be found online.