Are you ready for version 5010?

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services recently announced National Version 5010 Testing Day.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently announced National Version 5010 Testing Day.

On June 15, CMS will encourage trading partners (clinicians, clearinghouses and vendors) to come together to test their compliance with the version 5010 standards. More information will be coming from CMS and Medicare Administrative Contractors about real-time help desk support available that day.

Version 5010 is a new set of standards for electronic transactions that must be in use for all health care transmissions by Jan. 1, 2012. To ensure that the transition proceeds smoothly and no practices experience a lapse in payments, CMS has been stressing the importance of early testing of practice systems. More information on version 5010 is available on the CMS website. Additional guidance is also available from ACP.