Nominate candidates for upcoming ACP council elections
Nominate candidates for upcoming ACP council elections
The Council of Young Physicians (CYP), the Council of Associates (COA), and the Council of Student Members (CSM) are currently seeking candidates to fill all vacant seats for 2011-2012.
Each Council meets once a year in Philadelphia and several times via conference call and webinars and is responsible for contributing to the development of programming and products, creating internal medicine workshops, and advocating for their respective constituencies on Capitol Hill. CYP candidates must be Members or Fellows of the College who are within 16 years of graduating from medical school as of May 1, 2011; COA candidates must be Associate Members of the College; and CSM candidates must be current Medical Student Members.
For available positions, deadline information and details, go online for the CYP, COA or CSM or contact membership development by email at