Veterans Affairs solicits applications for centers of excellence

Veterans Affairs solicits applications for centers of excellence

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Office of Academic Affiliations is soliciting applications for VA Centers of Excellence in Primary Care Education. Centers are expected to foster the transformation of clinical education by preparing graduates of health professional schools and programs to work in and lead patient-centered interprofessional teams providing coordinated longitudinal care.

Centers will use ambulatory primary care settings to develop and test innovative approaches for introducing, augmenting, and sustaining curricula related to the core competencies of patient-centered clinical practice. They will evaluate these improvement efforts for effects on desired educational and clinical outcomes, including patient, family, trainee, clinician and institutional experiences. Centers will study the impact of new educational approaches and models on the larger context of health professions education, including collaboration between different professional schools and programs, cultural shifts in educational priorities, and educational and workforce outcomes within and beyond the VA.

Interested facilities should submit letters of intent via email at by Sept. 22 to receive consideration. Full proposals will be due on Nov. 17. More information is available online. Questions about this program announcement should be directed to Michelle D. Johnson at 202-461-9492 or or Joanne Pelekakis at 202-461-9593 or