College-supported organization launches internal medicine program in Bhutan

College-supported organization launches internal medicine program in Bhutan

Health Volunteers Overseas (HVO), an ACP-supported organization, announced the opening of a new internal medicine program in Bhutan at the National Referral Hospital (NRH) and the Royal Institute of Health Sciences (RIHS).

ACP sponsors HVO's internal medicine overseas section, which supports training programs for internal medicine generalists and subspecialists in five international locations: Bhutan, Cambodia, India, Peru and Uganda. A private, non-profit organization, HVO designs and implements clinical and didactic education programs in child health, primary care, trauma and rehabilitation, essential surgical care, oral health, blood disorders and cancer, infectious disease, nursing education, and wound management. In more than 25 resource-poor countries, HVO volunteers train, mentor, and provide critical professional support to clinicians who care for the neediest populations in the most difficult of circumstances.

Volunteers in internal medicine who might be interested in serving HVO in Bhutan or any of their international sites can get more information online. To learn more about improving global health, visit the HVO website or contact them via email at