In the News

Physicians don't always report impaired or incompetent colleagues

Physicians don't always report impaired or incompetent colleagues

ASCO guidelines recommend aromatase inhibitors

ASCO guidelines recommend aromatase inhibitors

MKSAP Quiz: Preoperative evaluation

MKSAP Quiz: Preoperative evaluation

Intensive control of glucose, cholesterol reduces retinopathy

Intensive control of glucose, cholesterol reduces retinopathy

Albumin-creatinine ratio in morning urine is most predictive

Albumin-creatinine ratio in morning urine is most predictive

CMS defines meaningful use, ACP responds

CMS defines meaningful use, ACP responds

Start now to prepare for Version 5010

Start now to prepare for Version 5010

FDA panel divided on rosiglitazone

FDA panel divided on rosiglitazone

Coumadin samples recalled

Coumadin samples recalled

Leflunomide gets new boxed warning

Leflunomide gets new boxed warning

New ethics case study on MedscapeCME

New ethics case study on MedscapeCME

New online community launched to help with EHRs

New online community launched to help with EHRs

Put words in our mouth

ACP InternistWeekly wants readers to create captions for this cartoon and help choose the winner. Pen the winning caption and win a $50 gift certificate good toward any ACP product, program or service.