Primary care pay increased in 2009; subspecialties were mixed

Primary care pay increased in 2009; subspecialties were mixed

Primary care physician pay increased by a median of 2.8% in 2009, according to a Medical Group Management Association survey. MGMA attributed the rise to employers' and payers' increased commitment to primary care, but noted legislation regarding Medicare payments still presents a threat. A comparison of specialties is here.

Dermatologists' pay rose 12.2% due to elective procedures and increased demand, while ophthalmologists saw a 7.7% increase in 2009 from laser refractive surgery. While subspecialists were still better paid than generalists, declines in pay occurred in OB/GYN (1.1%) and invasive cardiology (0.2%). HEM/ONC continued a slow, flat trend, due to declining reimbursement for administering drugs—a trend this group partly compensated for by treating more patients with the better-paid therapeutics.