Search results for "Low back pain"

Results 1 - 10 of about 67 for "Low back pain".
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Walking regimen may reduce low back pain recurrence

A walking and education intervention, compared with a no treatment control, can substantially reduce recurrences of low back pain, an Australian trial concluded.
25 Jun 2024

No easy ‘off switch’ for low back pain

There's no easy way to cure low back pain, but recommending a mix of therapies along with a dose of reassurance can often provide patients a measure of relief.
1 Nov 2022

Low back pain patients with opioid use disorder more likely to get more opioids

One-quarter of Medicare beneficiaries seeking care for acute low back pain received opioid prescriptions, according to 2016 to 2019 data. Patients with opioid use disorder received higher opioid doses and were more likely to be coprescribed gabapentin.
11 Jun 2024

MKSAP Quiz: 6-month history of low back pain

A 58-year-old man is evaluated for a 6-month history of persistent low back pain. The patient is a postal employee who first developed pain after lifting a heavy mailbag onto a truck. The pain is localized to the lumbar back, is bilateral, and does not radiate. After review of a previous MRI and a physical exam, what is the most appropriate treatment?
14 May 2024

Use of chiropractors and occupational, physical therapy for low back pain uncommon, despite guidelines

While clinical practice guidelines encourage nonpharmacologic treatments as first-line therapy for low back pain, fewer than a third of patients used chiropractic care or occupational or physical therapy for this problem in 2002 to 2018.
31 Oct 2023

MKSAP Quiz: 3-year history of low back pain

A 67-year-old man is evaluated for a 3-year history of low back pain, which is of moderate intensity and worsens during activities, and a 10-year history of neck pain accompanied by 20 minutes of morning stiffness. Following a physical and neurological exam, and a radiograph of the spine, what is the most likely diagnosis?.
1 Jan 2013

MKSAP Quiz: Evaluation for low back pain

A 47-year-old man is evaluated for low back pain. The pain began 5 days ago while he was playing basketball. It is localized to the lumbar back and does not radiate. The patient is unable to sit or stand for long periods, but the pain improves when lying down. After a physical exam, what is the most appropriate next step in management?
17 May 2022

Latest updates on ACP's priorities, initiatives

ACP Spotlight offers readers a look at ACP's current top priorities and initiatives, as well as highlights from our e-newsletter, ACP Internist Weekly.
1 Oct 2020

Adding psychological interventions to physical therapy for low back pain may boost effectiveness

The authors of a new systematic review urge clinicians to consider strategies that promote both structured exercise and psychological interventions, such as pain education, for patients with chronic, nonspecific low back pain.
5 Apr 2022

Little evidence exists to support antispasmodics for low back pain

According to a new systematic review, the effects of nonbenzodiazepine antispasmodics on low back pain are likely not great enough to be clinically important, and the drugs could increase the risk of an adverse event.
13 Jul 2021

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