Search results for "The Patient's Voice"
Toward a patient- and family-centered practice
A physician in the process of transforming his practice into a medical home discovered a resource that was already at his fingertips: patients and families who could help apply patient- and family-centered care concepts to primary care.
1 May 2013
16th annual Global Forum discusses threat of rising drug prices
At ACP's Global Forum in San Diego, attendees discussed how pharmaceutical pricing constitutes an overall health threat to patients.
1 Nov 2023
Being a patient partner means collaborating for better care
The third column in our series describes a patient partner's experience in working toward patient-centered care.
1 Jul 2013
Patients and families can help reinvent health care
True engagement requires listening and learning, making patients and families partners not just in decisions about their individual care but in designing practices and systems that will work for them.
1 Mar 2013
E-mailing with patients can improve patient-centered care
Technological advances are also patient communication and satisfaction measures, helping people arrange appointments, review test results and receive medical advice.
1 Nov 2013
Anemia often hides in plain sight
Learn how doctors can best spot anemia, or improve patient relationships and possibly outcomes by using empathy.
1 Mar 2013
The ethics of end-of-life care erupt in the ICU
A Harvard expert moderates a new column on ethical case studies and suggests some practical strategies for handling and preventing conflicts. Case study: The ethics of end-of-life care erupt in the ICU.
1 Feb 2008