Search results for "Stroke"

Results 1 - 10 of about 558 for "Stroke".
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Timing of stroke treatment, preventive therapies presented at stroke meeting

Results of multiple studies examining transfers of acute stroke patients for thrombectomy, delayed use of thrombolysis plus thrombectomy or tenecteplase, and anticoagulation for secondary prevention after cryptogenic stroke were reported at the International Stroke Conference.
13 Feb 2024

Parsing periop predicaments

Due to a lack of evidence for best perioperative procedures, clinicians have debated for decades how to address circumstances such as stroke or atrial fibrillation.
1 Jul 2024

Two speech therapies appear effective, cost-effective for chronic aphasia after stroke

A recent Australian trial found that high-intensity aphasia therapy outperformed usual care and proved cost-effective due to improvements in patient outcomes, measured in quality-adjusted life-years.
20 Feb 2024

Troubleshooting tips for cervical cancer screening

Two experts advise physicians on cervical cancer screening, dealing with issues from sampling technique to confusing guidelines.
1 Jul 2024

COVID-19 vaccines not associated with stroke risk, study finds

Concomitant vaccination against COVID-19 and influenza was associated with a very small increase in stroke risk, likely driven by the flu vaccine, according to the analysis of more than 5 million vaccinated Medicare beneficiaries.
26 Mar 2024

Boston welcomes Internal Medicine Meeting 2024

This issue features coverage of Internal Medicine Meeting 2024.
1 Jul 2024

Study of DAPT after TIA or minor stroke finds high-risk subgroup benefits more, has higher bleeding rates

The absolute but not the relative efficacy of dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) over aspirin varied by stroke risk among patients who had already had a transient ischemic attack (TIA) or minor ischemic stroke.
9 Jan 2024

Bringing postpartum care to primary care

To improve maternal outcomes in the United States, increased collaboration and communication between obstetrics/gynecology and primary care are crucial, experts stress.
1 Jun 2024

Cognitive impairment common after stroke

A scientific statement from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association called for collaboration among primary care physicians, subspecialist doctors, and other health professionals to identify and manage cognitive problems after stroke.
9 May 2023

Only half of patients with mood problems after stroke receive mental health care

Factors associated with receiving post-stroke mental health care included pre-stroke mental health care, younger age at stroke, and female gender, a retrospective study in Australia found.
4 Apr 2023

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