Search results for "Racial Disparities"

Results 1 - 10 of about 22 for "Racial Disparities".
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Racial disparities seen in U.S. drug overdose deaths in first year of pandemic

An analysis of CDC data found that while overall U.S. drug overdose deaths increased by 30% from 2019 to 2020, rates increased 44% among non-Hispanic Black and 39% among non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native persons versus 22% in White persons.
26 Jul 2022

Bringing postpartum care to primary care

To improve maternal outcomes in the United States, increased collaboration and communication between obstetrics/gynecology and primary care are crucial, experts stress.
1 Jun 2024

NIH adds another antibody to recommended treatments, studies look at early cases, racial disparities

Recent COVID-19 news includes a new NIH recommendation and studies of the earliest U.S. cases, an experimental inpatient drug, and potential causes of racial disparities in outcomes.
22 Jun 2021

Racism in the record?

Two authors discuss their recent study finding that Black patients were twice as likely as White patients to be described with negative words in their history and physical notes, particularly in inpatient records.
1 Apr 2022

ACP's 2021 end-of-year advocacy highlights: Advocating to support internists and their patients

From advancing the value of internal medicine and primary care to supporting internists' needs during the COVID-19 crisis, ACP has been actively working for members and patients.
21 Dec 2021

Annual face time between patients and physicians rose since 1979 due to longer visits

A racial/ethnic gap in time spent with physicians widened over the three studied decades, with White patients getting 22.9 and 14.7 minutes more per year than Black and Hispanic patients, respectively, by 2018.
14 Jun 2022

Latest updates on ACP's priorities, initiatives

ACP Spotlight offers readers a look at ACP's current top priorities and initiatives, as well as highlights from our e-newsletter, ACP Internist Weekly.
1 Jul 2021

Watch ACP's new video on diversity, equity, and inclusion

Hear more about how ACP is demonstrating its commitment.
13 Apr 2021

Correcting medicine's use of race in clinical algorithms

Recent efforts have pushed institutions to reconsider the use of race not just in estimating kidney function, but in a variety of algorithms and scores.
1 May 2021

Starting mammography screening at age 40 years in Black women could decrease breast cancer deaths

Breast cancer deaths could be cut by starting mammography screening in Black women 10 years earlier than in White women, a modeling study predicted.
19 Oct 2021

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