Search results for "Preventive Care"

Results 1 - 10 of about 95 for "Preventive Care".
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Preventive care still on during COVID-19

COVID-19 may foster innovation in primary care as physicians describe various strategies to reconnect with patients, such as leveraging telemedicine visits to also explain the practice's coronavirus-related safety protocols, or systematically reviewing their panels to flag at-risk patients.
1 Nov 2020

ACP recommends meaningful performance measures for preventive care

An analysis by ACP's Performance Measurement Committee of 28 performance measures for preventive care shows that 6 (21%) of the measures were valid, 10 (36%) were not valid, and 12 (43%) were of uncertain validity.
11 Sep 2018

Intensive food-as-medicine program improves engagement, not glycemic control

Patients with diabetes and food insecurity who received healthy groceries, dietitian consults, nurse evaluations, health coaching, and diabetes education had increased engagement with preventive care but no significant change in HbA1c levels versus usual care.
2 Jan 2024

Experts debate dilemmas in colorectal cancer screening

The latest ACP/Annals of Internal Medicine virtual forum discussed the controversy around colorectal cancer screening, clarified the rationale supporting the varying recommendations, and equipped physicians to make screening choices that best align with patients' clinical situations.
1 Feb 2024

New preventive care charts from Medicare

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has published three new charts for physicians about preventive services covered by Medicare.
19 Apr 2011

Providing preventive care in a pandemic

This issue also covers medication for opioid use disorders, physicians as caregivers, and home blood pressure monitoring.
1 Nov 2020

National Quality Forum endorses preventive care and screening measures

The National Quality Forum (NQF) has recently endorsed 19 quality measures related to preventive care and screening.
15 May 2012

The human right to health

The intrinsic connection between health and life's quintessential pursuits is undeniable.
1 Nov 2023

Taking action to bridge the physician shortage

Addressing the critical physician shortage requires a comprehensive strategy focused on empowering physicians, revamping training models, and reshaping incentives to prioritize patient-centered care.
1 Apr 2024

Primary care reminders, outreach boosted overdue cancer screening follow-up

Electronic reminders alone did not increase follow-up rates for abnormal breast, cervical, colorectal, or lung cancer screening test results, but adding outreach by letter and phone did, a study found.
17 Oct 2023

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