Search results for "Pharmacotherapy"

Results 1 - 10 of about 66 for "Pharmacotherapy".
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Treating obesity as a disease

Obesity stems from genetics and environmental factors, but bias by physicians and the public may interfere with treating it as a disease.
1 Jul 2024

MKSAP Quiz: Evaluation for erectile dysfunction

A 56-year-old man is evaluated for erectile dysfunction that began insidiously 1 year ago. The patient's medical history is also significant for coronary artery bypass graft surgery 4 years ago, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension. Medications are metoprolol, losartan, aspirin, and atorvastatin. What is the most appropriate management?
21 May 2024

Walking, jogging, yoga, and strength training help treat depression, analysis finds

More vigorous exercise had a greater effect on depression, according to a meta-analysis of 218 randomized controlled trials that examined the effect of exercise on major depressive disorder compared with psychotherapy, antidepressants, and control conditions.
20 Feb 2024

Everyday symptoms could point to potential PTSD

A clinical practice guideline can help clinicians screen for, diagnose, and treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and a related condition, acute stress disorder.
1 May 2024

Promoting second quit attempts right after relapse may improve rates of smoking abstinence

A randomized trial found that patients who wanted to quit smoking but relapsed after a first attempt were more likely to succeed if their primary care physicians encouraged them to try quitting again immediately.
6 Feb 2024

Treat COPD symptoms, solve problems

Effectively managing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease means staying up to date on medications, devices, and delivery techniques.
1 Apr 2024

For tobacco dependent, pharmacotherapy is the best medicine

Evidence is mounting that most smokers will require some sort of pharmacotherapeutic intervention to help them quit. Experts parse out prescriptions, but don't discount behavioral strategies for quitting.
1 Jul 2009

Review offers guidance on selecting medications for COPD

Researchers suggest ways for clinicians to assess cognitive function, manual dexterity/strength, and peak inspiratory flow before choosing an inhaled medication delivery system for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
21 Nov 2023

New 'weighs' to treat obesity

Even as the data on weight loss drugs mount, physicians need to help patients navigate potentially prohibitive costs and a continuing need for lifestyle change.
1 Mar 2024

MKSAP Quiz: 1-year history of insomnia

An 87-year-old woman is evaluated for a 1-year history of bothersome insomnia. She reports taking up to 2 hours to fall asleep. She also feels that her sleep is less refreshing. What is the most appropriate treatment?
21 Nov 2023

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