Search results for "Perspectives"

Results 1 - 10 of about 514 for "Perspectives".
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Best career paths not always straight lines

Nontraditional backgrounds and varied job paths reflect how broad knowledge and experiences, like those acquired by many internal medicine physicians, can lead to career success.
1 Jun 2024

Different perspectives but the same goal: providing the best possible care to patients

Yul Ejnes, MD, MACP, looks back in his final column for ACP on KevinMD at the trends and topics that inspired him for the last five years.
7 Nov 2017

Boston welcomes Internal Medicine Meeting 2024

This issue features coverage of Internal Medicine Meeting 2024.
1 Jul 2024

Sickle cell gene therapy cost-effective if less than $2 million per person

Two models projected fewer pain crisis events with gene therapy over a lifetime, which can offset the high upfront administration costs, study authors wrote.
23 Jan 2024

Persevere along the trail of your advocacy journey

ACP members took to the Capitol for Leadership Day to address reducing administrative burden, compensating physicians for the value of care they provide, and supporting programs that strengthen the physician workforce.
1 Jul 2024

Study examines patients' perspectives on direct-to-consumer genetic tests

An editorial concluded that deceptive marketing messages by genomic testing companies create unrealistic expectations about the health benefits of at-home genetic tests.
1 Mar 2016

A farewell perspective after 4 decades of advocacy

ACP's Special Advisor to the Chief Advocacy Officer and SVP Emeritus reflects on forty years of pursuing social justice and equity.
1 Jul 2022

Preparing today for tomorrow's potential pandemic

We all have a responsibility to reflect on our experiences with COVID-19 to identify both the good and the bad, assess the current state of pandemic preparedness, and implement a comprehensive plan.
1 Sep 2023

Legislation, wizardry, and standing up for med ed

ACP and other organizations oppose legislation introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives that would bar medical schools engaged in diversity, equity, and inclusion activities from receiving federal funding.
1 Jun 2024

Finding a prescription for housing instability

Safe and affordable housing is essential to health and ACP has a policy paper offering several recommendations aimed at physicians, policymakers, and payers.
1 Jun 2024

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