Search results for "Patient Satisfaction"

Results 1 - 10 of about 95 for "Patient Satisfaction".
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Relationships between primary care physicians, specialists may affect patient satisfaction

Patients gave higher ratings after a referral if the specialist trained with their primary care physician, a quasi-experimental study found.
10 Jan 2023

Rethinking advance care planning

While more physicians are reporting having conversations about advance care planning with their patients, it's still far from common.
1 May 2022

Denial of some patient requests, but not others, associated with decreased patient satisfaction, study finds

Denial of requests was associated with worse patient satisfaction for referrals, pain medications, other new medications, and lab tests, but not for antibiotics, radiology tests, or other tests.
5 Dec 2017

Better is still possible: Promoting improved health for all

We need the courage to fix the structural and fiscal inefficiencies that result in the United States having the highest health care costs and the worst outcomes among developed countries.
1 Jun 2024

Hospital at home plus transition care reduced readmissions, improved patient satisfaction in a case-control study

The study included 295 patients treated under this hospital-at-home (HaH) model and a control group of 212 patients who met HaH eligibility but declined participation or were seen in the ED when an HaH admission could not be initiated.
26 Jun 2018

The ethical nexus of health care: Purpose over profit

ACP is comprehensively examining the corrosive impact of profit-driven health care on the sacred patient-physician relationship in order to pave the way for potential solutions.
1 Feb 2024

Practices report gradual shifts toward tying pay to quality and patient satisfaction metrics

Quality measures are a small but possibly increasing percentage of total compensation for physicians, a recent report found.
8 Jul 2014

Telemedicine's time has arrived

As the need for remote health care expands, medical educators and residents continue to refine the best ways to teach and learn telemedicine.
1 Sep 2022

App-enabled device no better than standard device for self-measuring blood pressure

A smartphone app did not provide any additional reduction in blood pressure, and patients with hypertension would recommend a standard device as much as they would the app-connected device, a study concluded.
23 Aug 2022

Work toward equity in Black men's health

An expert discusses causes and effects of health disparities as well as ways to incorporate health equity into the practice of medicine.
1 Jul 2023

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