Search results for "Internal Medicine Meeting 2013"

Results 1 - 6 of about 6 for "Internal Medicine Meeting 2013".

How to start and stop bisphosphonates

A new online tool and a few simple rules can inform internists how to start bisphosphonates and when to consider taking a drug holiday at the request of another physician, a dentist or even the patient.
1 Jun 2013

New sessions, credits and speakers at Internal Medicine 2013

Learn about the upcoming products, programs and services that will be offered at Internal Medicine 2013 in San Francisco.
1 Mar 2013

‘Party drugs' require hard work to spot and treat

Taking a history is important for identifying abuse of some drugs that aren't caught by screening tests but may still have serious consequences for users.
1 Jun 2013

Making sense of movement disorders

From uncontrollable urges to move to a struggle to make even basic gestures, movement disorders cover a wide range of problems.
1 Jun 2013

Contraception review offers solutions to a perennial problem

Half of all pregnancies in the U.S. are unintended, a figure on par with developing countries. Women often think they are not at risk of getting pregnant when they most certainly are.
1 Jun 2013

Don't be anxious about psychiatric diagnoses

Tips can help physicians with the screening and treatment of mental disorders seen in primary care, including somatoform, bipolar and anxiety disorders.
1 Jun 2013

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