Search results for "Internal Medicine Meeting 2010"
Pearls aid treatment of opioid dependence
Agonist treatments over “cold-turkey,” foiling abuse of oral medications and “the eyes have it” for inpatient diagnoses. Pearls lay out the best ways to manage opioid-dependent patients in many settings.
1 Jun 2010
IMGs get acculturation advice from a veteran
In an already overwhelming time period of residency, international medical graduates face extra burdens: confusing slang from patients, questioning authority when needed, and interacting with more knowledgeable subordinates. Cultural barriers have to be crossed to adapt to life in a U.S. residency.
1 Jun 2010
Using e-mail in practice is e-asy, but exercise care
E-mail can improve communication with patients##mdash;it's even reimbursable##mdash;but it's effective only if it's used properly. One physician discusses the do's and some very important don'ts.
1 Jun 2010
Use your hands, not just your mind, at Internal Medicine 2010
Preview upcoming attractions and sessions of the College's annual meeting, being held this year in Toronto. Find events occurring at the meeting, or for those not going, find out how to follow news as it happens.
1 Mar 2010
Cardiologists highlight prevention, clopidogrel
Subspecialists leading the Internal Medicine 2010 cardiology pre-course offer advice, but also accept some from general internists about preventing cardiovascular events in high-risk patients.
1 Jun 2010
Allergist offers answers for internists' practice encounters
Allergies and all the “As” of asthma, aspirin and anaphylaxis get considered in a session on conditions that affect one-fifth of the population.
1 Jun 2010
Incontinence in women a neglected but treatable problem
Incontinence affects one in four pre-menopausal women and nearly half of post-menopausal women. But it's treatable at any age, and treatment is associated with far less morbidity.
1 Jun 2010