Search results for "Hand Hygiene"

Results 1 - 10 of about 11 for "Hand Hygiene".
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Hand hygiene recommendations released

Several professional societies, including the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA) and the Infectious Diseases Society of America, recently released recommendations on preventing health care-associated infections through hand hygiene.
22 Jul 2014

Is it time to forgo the handshake?

With hand hygiene compliance rates so low in health care facilities, some are advocating for physicians to avoid shaking hands and considering other ways of greeting patients. Not everyone agrees.
1 Mar 2015

The next issue of ACP Hospitalist is online

The next issue of ACP Hospitalist is online.
23 Feb 2010

Working together to stop superbugs

The battle against antimicrobial resistance requires a broad line of attack, prompting the CDC to fund projects to expand regional efforts against multidrug-resistant organisms.
1 Feb 2020

C. difficile difficult for outpatient physicians and patients, too

The majority of Clostridium difficile patients come from outside the hospital setting.
1 Oct 2013

Invasive MRSA rates dropped dramatically

Invasive MRSA rates dropped dramatically
17 Aug 2010

Helping shield clinicians and the community from contagion

Face shields on top of masks may be another avenue in fighting the global COVID-19 pandemic.
1 Jul 2020

Patient website and infection control plan developed for outpatient oncology clinics

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is introducing two new educational resources as part of the Preventing Infections in Cancer Patients program.
8 Nov 2011

Crossed words: Ticked off

ACP Internist's puzzle feature challenges readers to find clues placed horizontally in rows to reveal an answer written vertically.
1 Sep 2014

What's new in ACP Hospitalist

What's new in ACP Hospitalist and other College publications, including the cover feature on spontaneous awakening trials, coverage of medication discrepancies during the transfer between facilities, and a Success Story about how one hospitalist Web site streamlines signouts. Plus, test yourself with questions on sedation and ventilation excerpted from MKSAP 14.
1 Oct 2009

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