Search results for "End of Life"

Results 1 - 10 of about 104 for "End of Life".
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Guideline updates recommendations on management of lower-limb PAD

The American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association updated their peripheral artery disease (PAD) guideline to offer more evidence-based management options, including a recommendation in support of using rivaroxaban combined with low-dose aspirin.
21 May 2024

Pandemic provides impetus for POLSTs

ACP Advance: COVID-19 Recovery Program helps practices use team-based quality improvement to improve systems of care for patients with or at risk for COVID-19.
1 Jan 2022

Nearly one-third of older adults need end-of-life decisions made but lack ability

Nearly one-third of older adults need end-of-life decisions made but lack ability
6 Apr 2010

Decision support intervention for clinicians helped decrease low-value care

A tool to increase clinicians' attention to the possible harms of overtreatment among older adults, among other aims, was associated with a greater decline in prostate-specific antigen testing, unspecified urine testing, and diabetes overtreatment compared with an education-only approach.
6 Feb 2024

Our words matter

Difficult conversations offer moments when physicians can be true healers and provide empathy, compassion, and comfort through something as simple as their words.
1 Mar 2023

New ACP toolkit offers resources on delivering patient-centered end-of-life care

The toolkit is exclusive to ACP members and requires a login for access.
18 Jun 2019

Rethinking advance care planning

While more physicians are reporting having conversations about advance care planning with their patients, it's still far from common.
1 May 2022

Updated ACP Ethics Manual addresses genetic testing, telemedicine, end-of-life care

The seventh edition of the ACP Ethics Manual reaffirms ethical tenets of medicine and reexamines their application in changing circumstances.
15 Jan 2019

What to say when sharing serious news

When delivering bad news to patients, physicians should avoid wordiness and instead follow some other tactics.
1 Jun 2023

Dementia care poses ethical quagmires

Dementia presents unique ethical challenges for physicians because it is a “disease of autonomy.”
1 May 2020

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