Search results for "Doctor as Patient"

Results 1 - 7 of about 7 for "Doctor as Patient".

Call for cases

Have you as a physician been a patient? If so, ACP Internist wants to hear from you.
15 Jan 2013

Earlier recognition may help outcomes in osteoarthritis

Interventions such as exercise and weight loss are more likely to be successful for osteoarthritis if it is detected early.
1 May 2013

PERSPECTIVES 4 ACPINTERNIST Osteoarthritis affects millions of Americans, but ...

This issue also features the first installment of a new column, “Doctor as Patient,”written by Pamela Hartzband, MD, FACP, and Jerome Groopman, MD, FACP, best-sellingauthors of “Your Medical Mind: ... If you have comments, or a story to share for our “Doctor asPatient” column, please let us know at
24 Apr 2013

Share your stories

Have you as a physician been a patient? If so, ACP Internist wants to hear from you.
29 Jan 2013

A doctor seeks out a concrete diagnosis

In medicine, a single diagnosis is preferred when possible as opposed to seeking multiple diagnoses to explain symptoms. But it isn't always correct.
1 Jul 2014

A physician copes with chronic pain

A diagnosis of breast cancer leads to chronic pain that has lingered for 6 years. A physician learns a lesson in adaptation, resilience and moving on. Humility and hope are keys.
1 Nov 2013

Reflections from a physician who faced his mortality

A physician who developed severe heartburn recalls his thinking as he reflects on his own progressively severe symptoms and increasingly worrisome differential diagnosis.
1 May 2013

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