Search results for "Dementia"

Results 1 - 10 of about 177 for "Dementia".
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Antihypertensive drugs linked with lower dementia risk in older patients

Patients who filled a new prescription for antihypertensive therapy more than three-quarters of the time were 24% less likely to develop dementia than those who rarely filled theirs, according to a seven-year study carried out in Italy among patients ages 65 years and older.
2 Apr 2024

Dementia care not just a prescription

A diagnosis of dementia brings up potential concerns that physicians can help patients and their caregivers explore in a neutral, nonjudgmental way.
1 May 2020

Study finds no link between elective surgery and dementia risk in seniors

Patients older than age 65 years who underwent elective surgeries had a 4.6% rate of incident dementia within five years, compared to 6.9% in matched controls who consulted with a surgeon but did not undergo surgery, a Canadian study found.
9 Jan 2024

Dementia care poses ethical quagmires

Dementia presents unique ethical challenges for physicians because it is a “disease of autonomy.”
1 May 2020

Personalized strategies improved cognition, reduced dementia risk in seniors

An intervention with personalized risk-reduction goals, health coaching, and nurse visits was offered to patients who were between the ages of 70 and 89 years and had at least two targeted risk factors for dementia.
5 Dec 2023

Potential problematic prescribing in older women

Prescription of systemic estrogen therapy after menopause could be a red flag for use of other medications linked to dementia.
1 Apr 2024

Exercise intervention not effective in early dementia

A randomized trial in the U.K. found that outcomes did not differ in patients with early dementia or cognitive impairment assigned to a dementia-specific rehab program compared to those who received usual care.
5 Sep 2023

Dementia diagnosis associated with increased medication use

A cohort study of Medicare beneficiaries found that patients' mean number of medications increased after an incident diagnosis of dementia, as did the proportion using central nervous system-active medications, highlighting opportunities to deprescribe.
29 Aug 2023

Continue BP control, maintain benefits

Helping patients maintain normal blood pressure over the long haul pays off in cardiovascular and other health benefits, yet studies show that U.S. adults continue to backslide.
1 May 2024

Long-term PPI use associated with higher incidence of dementia

While patients who took proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) from mid- to late life had a modestly higher risk of dementia in late life versus nonusers, shorter-term use was not associated with increased risk.
15 Aug 2023

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