Search results for "Compensation"

Results 1 - 10 of about 117 for "Compensation".
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New ACP member benefit offers physician compensation tools

Resources include salary data and a contract scorecard and benchmarking tool.
9 May 2023

Learn how to 'Live Your Best Life'

The structured professional and leadership development program includes five online educational sessions followed by group coaching with ACP leaders.
1 Mar 2024

1 in 12 physicians received opioid-related compensation from pharmaceutical manufacturers

Because even small payments such as meals are associated with increased prescribing of marketed products, an examination of industry influences on prescribing amid an ongoing opioid crisis is warranted, the authors wrote.
15 Aug 2017

The ethical nexus of health care: Purpose over profit

ACP is comprehensively examining the corrosive impact of profit-driven health care on the sacred patient-physician relationship in order to pave the way for potential solutions.
1 Feb 2024

Taking action to bridge the physician shortage

Addressing the critical physician shortage requires a comprehensive strategy focused on empowering physicians, revamping training models, and reshaping incentives to prioritize patient-centered care.
1 Apr 2024

Gender-based disparities in starting salaries common in academic medicine

A study using U.S. compensation data from 2019 to 2020 found that starting salaries were lower for women in 93% of subspecialties and that initial salary parity in these subspecialities could increase women's earning potential by a median of $250,075.
22 Feb 2022

Women's health rights drive expansion of ACP policy

ACP's positions on women's health policy have grown from a few paragraphs into position papers, policies, and most importantly, progress.
1 May 2024

ACP Women in Medicine webinar on Sept. 19 discusses “Negotiating Like a Woman”

A contract expert will discuss best practices for women in medicine negotiating salary, hours, and overall compensation packages during a one-hour webinar open to all ACP members.
10 Sep 2019

Practice Tips: The 3 Ps of physician compensation

Performance, productivity, and profitability are the 3 components of getting paid. These elements all affect one another, so balancing them is key.
1 Nov 2014

Significant differences in starting salaries for male and female physicians persist since 1999

Lower salaries for women were due partly to specialty but could not be explained by the greater importance they placed on schedules that allow work-life balance, the study found.
28 Jan 2020

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