Search results for "Chronic Illness"

Results 1 - 10 of about 40 for "Chronic Illness".
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Physicians as patients with COVID-19

Physicians who contracted COVID-19 share their perspectives on how the disease has changed their personal and professional lives.
1 Jan 2022

ACP offers solutions to problem of increased cost sharing for patients

Among other positions, ACP says that the health care system must accelerate its efforts to reduce overall health care spending in ways that do not rely principally on shifting the cost burden onto insured persons who cannot afford to pay more for their medical care.
19 Jul 2016

Tips for workplace wellness

With nearly 63% of physicians reporting one or more signs of burnout, two experts offered advice on making changes to help prevent it.
1 Jul 2023

Telemedicine's time has arrived

As the need for remote health care expands, medical educators and residents continue to refine the best ways to teach and learn telemedicine.
1 Sep 2022

ACP issues position paper on patient-physician-caregiver relationships

ACP issues position paper on patient-physician-caregiver relationships
26 Jan 2010

Testosterone treatment may help sexual function, but not walking or vitality

Testosterone supplementation can improve sexual function, but the benefits were modest, tended to wane later in treatment, and were not as robust as those of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors.
23 Feb 2016

Cardiac rehab uptake remains low, despite benefits

Estimates from the American Heart Association suggest that only about 20% to 30% of eligible patients ever receive the intervention.
1 Mar 2022

COVID-19 upends every aspect of visits

Several months into the COVID-19 pandemic, it's still uncertain to what degree it will reshape the practice of medicine and office management in the near and long terms.
1 Jul 2020

Helping older patients 'age in place'

Internists can help patients live at home as they age by assessing physical functioning, watching for changes in functioning, and directing them to available resources.
1 May 2017

Prepping IM residents for primary care

Although most patient visits and more than 60% of procedures now occur in the outpatient setting, most of the focus on residency training is on critically ill patients in the hospital.
1 May 2017

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