Search results for "Alzheimer's Disease"

Results 1 - 10 of about 60 for "Alzheimer's Disease".
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Adults with subjective cognitive decline were more likely to report 4 modifiable risk factors for Alzheimer's disease

Among survey respondents ages 45 years and older, the most common modifiable risk factor for Alzheimer's disease and related dementias was hypertension (49.9%), followed by not meeting guidelines for aerobic physical activity (49.7%), obesity (35.3%), and diabetes (18.6%).
31 May 2022

Major shift in thinking about cognitive impairment

Because neurocognitive decline can have a variety of etiologies, a new definition by the DSM-5 defined mild cognitive impairment as a syndrome, and then drilled down to its etiology.
1 Jul 2019

Antihypertensive drugs linked with lower dementia risk in older patients

Patients who filled a new prescription for antihypertensive therapy more than three-quarters of the time were 24% less likely to develop dementia than those who rarely filled theirs, according to a seven-year study carried out in Italy among patients ages 65 years and older.
2 Apr 2024

Managing Alzheimer's disease when options are limited

Primary care physicians can expect to diagnose an increasing number of patients with Alzheimer's disease as the U.S. population ages. While clinicians have been more successful in diagnosing the disease early, effective treatments or prevention options are more scarce.
1 Mar 2016

Diagnose, address cognitive impairment in heart failure patients, society says

A new scientific statement from the Heart Failure Society of America advises clinicians to be alert to clues such as difficulty with money or running out of medicine, among other recommendations.
19 Mar 2024

Delirium may be associated with adverse outcomes in hospitalized patients with Alzheimer's disease

Patients with Alzheimer's disease who develop delirium during hospitalization are more likely to have adverse outcomes, according to a new study.
19 Jun 2012

New thinking about Alzheimer's diagnosis

New technology and biomarkers have contributed to the detection of Alzheimer's disease, but clinicians are skeptical about the value of a diagnosis without the ability to treat the condition.
1 Nov 2019

Benzodiazepine use associated with increased risk of Alzheimer's disease

Patients who had taken benzodiazepines for at least 3 months had a 50% increased risk of Alzheimer's disease, a recent study of older patients found.
16 Sep 2014

Finances can offer clues to cognitive problems

A study found that patients with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias were more likely to miss payments on credit accounts as early as six years before diagnosis and to develop subprime credit scores 2.5 years before diagnosis.
1 May 2022

Vitamin E may slow functional decline in patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease

Taking 2,000 IU of vitamin E daily slowed functional decline and reduced caregiver time in patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease, a study found.
7 Jan 2014

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