Search results for "Addiction, Abuse, and Misuse"

Results 1 - 6 of about 6 for "Addiction, Abuse, and Misuse".

Detecting unhealthy drug use

The COVID-19 pandemic and its ensuing isolation and stress have been associated with a sharp increase in substance use as a coping mechanism, as well as drug overdose deaths.
1 Mar 2021

Planned safe injection site aims to curb overdose deaths

Founders of a new nonprofit in Philadelphia are attempting to open the nation's first legal overdose prevention site.
1 Jan 2020

Broad efforts needed to reduce alcohol-related traffic deaths

Internists can intervene in alcohol-related traffic deaths by counseling patients against riding with impaired drivers, promoting local sobriety checkpoints, and supporting mass-media campaigns against alcohol-impaired driving, among other measures.
1 May 2018

A ‘smart’ approach to performance drugs

An increasing prevalence of the use of cognitive-enhancing substances, or so-called “smart drugs,” among healthy people has raised concerns among internists and medical ethicists.
1 Nov 2017

New labeling on long-acting opioids, fluoroquinolones

This regulatory update covers a labeling change for all long-acting opioid analgesics, and another on fluoroquinolone drugs to better describe the serious side effect of peripheral neuropathy.
1 Nov 2013


addiction, abuse, and misuse, even at rec-. ommended doses, and because of the. ... to further assess the risks of misuse, abuse,. hyperalgesia, addiction, overdose and.
12 Dec 2013

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