Search results for "Vitamin D"

Results 1 - 4 of about 4 for "Vitamin D".

Cardiovascular effects of vitamin D supplementation still uncertain, trial finds

Older adults who were randomized to vitamin D supplementation had a slightly lower rate of cardiovascular events, particularly myocardial infarction, but the overall difference from placebo was not significant, an Australian trial found.
4 Jul 2023

Intervention successful in decreasing routine vitamin D testing

In a pre-post study, a decision support tool that prompted clinicians about appropriate testing criteria and included a best practice advisory was associated with reductions of 44% and 46% in inpatient and outpatient orders and of 61% and 48% in repeat testing, respectively.
9 May 2023

Higher-dose vitamin D did not improve fall prevention, study finds

Elderly patients at high risk for falls who received 1,000 IU of a vitamin D supplement per day actually had higher risk of falls that were serious or required hospitalization than those who took 200 IU.
8 Dec 2020

Long-term vitamin D supplementation does not appear to protect against depression

No significant difference in risk for depression or clinically relevant symptoms was noted over 5.3 years in 18,353 at-risk patients randomly assigned to receive vitamin D3 or placebo.
11 Aug 2020

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