Search results for "The Campaign Trail"

Results 1 - 6 of about 6 for "The Campaign Trail".

Presidential candidates quiet on one health issue: abortion

The presidential candidates are steering away from the abortion issue, but a ballot issue in South Dakota keeps the issue alive in voter's minds.
1 Oct 2008

Candidates split on staying with employer health coverage

Employer-based coverage is the backbone of the current U.S. health insurance system. Is that a good or bad thing?.
1 Sep 2008

Doctors demand specifics on candidates' health care plans

The Health Care Innovations Exchange Web site informs users how their peers have tackled common problems such as appointment scheduling or monitoring glucose levels of hospitalized patients.
1 Jul 2008

Democrats' health plans not much help to undecided voters

Senators Clinton's and Obama's split over mandating coverage distinguishes them from one another, but does that difference matter?.
1 Jun 2008

John McCain touts his plan for the U.S. health care system

CME offerings and maintenance of certification.
1 May 2008

Presidential candidates tackle problem of health care costs

Money, money, money.
1 Mar 2008

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