Search results for "Sodium intake"
Salt substitution associated with lower mortality
A systematic review and meta-analysis found that salt substitutes may be associated with lower risk for all-cause and cardiovascular mortality but noted that most of the evidence is from older populations and those eating an Asian diet.
9 Apr 2024
Know your kidney stones
Knowing what makes up a patient's kidney stones determines how an internist might treat the problem. But, one expert cautions, while 1 type of kidney stone is far more prevalent, there are 4 other kinds, and they may require subspecialty treatment.
1 Jul 2015
FDA announces draft guidance for industry on reduction of sodium
The FDA draft guidance provides target short- and long-term mean and upper bound sodium concentrations for food categories and is particularly aimed at national and regional restaurant chains and food manufacturers whose products make up a significant proportion of national sales.
7 Jun 2016
Guideline issued on blood pressure management in CKD
The Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes Work Group recommends targeting a standardized systolic blood pressure less than 120 mm Hg in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) who are not receiving dialysis, among other guidance.
22 Jun 2021
White coat hypertension presents an elusive challenge
Although white coat hypertension is chalked up to general anxiety, it may be the medical setting, and specifically the physician, that acts as the trigger.
1 Oct 2012
MKSAP Quiz: Difficult-to-control hypertension
A 62-year-old man is evaluated during a follow-up visit for difficult-to-control hypertension. He also has chronic kidney disease and hyperlipidemia. Following a physical exam and lab studies, what is the most appropriate additional treatment?
24 Aug 2021
Higher-salt diets didn't increase mortality in European study
Higher sodium consumption was associated with increased systolic blood pressure, but not greater mortality or cardiovascular events, in a new prospective analysis of Europeans' sodium excretion.
10 May 2011