Search results for "Sleep Disorders"

Results 1 - 5 of about 5 for "Sleep Disorders".

Help elderly patients catch their zzz's

Sleep problems are common, but not inevitable, as people age.
1 Jan 2021

New modalities may extend treatment for insomnia

While cognitive behavioral therapy has been proven effective for insomnia, and there are new delivery models to accommodate patients, comparative efficacy of online versus therapist-led treatment is uncertain.
1 Nov 2020

Sussing out sleep apnea disorders

Given the prevalence of poor sleep habits, determining sleep apnea can be difficult during a time-pressed visit. Asking the rights questions is key.
1 Mar 2015

Sleep disorders may be overlooked on exams

Experts want sleep habits considered as a vital sign. Sleep problems are important in themselves and can also have consequences on other major comorbidities such as mood disorders, diabetes and hypertension.
1 Feb 2012

Not sleeping but not sleepy with asymptomatic apnea

As many as 25% of apnea sufferers don't complain of daytime sleepiness. Compliance is a problem because these patients may not see the value of treatment, according to researchers at the American Thoracic Society.
1 Jul 2010

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