Search results for "Sexually transmitted infections"

Results 1 - 10 of about 39 for "Sexually transmitted infections".
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CDC offers guidance on doxycycline for postexposure STI prophylaxis

Doxycycline postexposure prophylaxis can reduce syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea in at-risk populations and may offer a new approach to preventing sexually transmitted infections (STIs), according to new guidelines.
11 Jun 2024

Success with STIs causes complacency

Progress made in combating HIV has caused people to feel a greater sense of security around sex and less worry about bacterial sexually transmitted infections.
1 Apr 2020

M. genitalium infection associated with higher risk for pelvic inflammatory disease

Mycoplasma genitalium was detected in about 1 in 10 clinically diagnosed pelvic inflammatory disease cases, a systematic review and meta-analysis of 19 studies found.
18 Jun 2024

PrEPare for HIV care

Internal medicine physicians are already trained to care for complex medical conditions, and HIV is no different, especially as adults age and develop diabetes, heart disease, and other conditions.
1 Nov 2023

Public comment period open for Women's Preventive Services Initiative

The comment period for several new topics—counseling for sexually transmitted infections, well-woman preventive services, and breastfeeding services and supplies—is Aug. 20 to Sept. 17, 2021.
31 Aug 2021

Civil surgeons can help pave the way to citizenship

An FACP explains what a civil surgeon does and why he thinks more internal medicine physicians should consider doing it.
1 Apr 2024

Call for public comment on Women's Preventive Services Initiative recommendations

Topics include screening for cervical cancer, counseling for sexually transmitted infections, HIV screening, contraception and contraceptive counseling, breastfeeding services and supplies, screening for interpersonal and domestic violence, well-woman preventive visits, and breast cancer screening for average-risk women.
13 Sep 2016

Spotting syphilis, other STIs in the internist's office

Some patients need more than just routine screening for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Accurate diagnosis and timely treatment can improve quality of life while preventing re-infection.
1 Jul 2016

CDC calls for all U.S. adults to be screened for hepatitis B

All adults should undergo triple-panel screening at least once in their lives, and screening should be repeated during the first trimester of every pregnancy, the CDC said.
14 Mar 2023

MKSAP Quiz: Unable to achieve pregnancy

A 37-year-old woman is unable to achieve pregnancy despite 7 months of unprotected intercourse. Her menstrual cycles are normal, occurring every 28 days with associated breast tenderness and bloating. There have been no prior pregnancies or attempts to achieve pregnancy by either the patient or her male partner. Following a physical exam, what is the most appropriate management?
14 Apr 2020

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