Search results for "Reproductive health"

Results 1 - 10 of about 32 for "Reproductive health".
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ACP calls for policies to protect reproductive health care

New recommendations in a policy brief oppose government restrictions that would erode equitable access to reproductive health care services, including family planning, sexual health information, the full range of medically accepted forms of contraception, and abortion.
28 Feb 2023

Internal medicine's role in abortion care

Primary care internal medicine physicians explained to Internal Medicine Meeting 2024 attendees how they can help patients understand their options with an unintended pregnancy.
1 Jul 2024

ACP weighs in on Supreme Court rulings

The College issued statements in response to recent court decisions on reproductive health care, misinformation, and firearms.
9 Jul 2024

Legislation, wizardry, and standing up for med ed

ACP and other organizations oppose legislation introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives that would bar medical schools engaged in diversity, equity, and inclusion activities from receiving federal funding.
1 Jun 2024

ACP launches new Sex and Gender Health Learning Hub

The hub offers member-exclusive resources for caring for patients navigating sexual, reproductive, and gender-related health care concerns.
18 Jun 2024

ACP adapts reproductive health policy

Once the Supreme Court's final decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization was released in June 2022, the landscape for reproductive health care in the U.S. immediately began to change.
1 Apr 2023

Metformin found safe for use while trying to conceive, studies find

Use of metformin by fathers was not associated with risk of major congenital malformation, and mothers who continued metformin and added insulin had lower risk of losing a baby than those who switched to insulin, according to two recent studies.
18 Jun 2024

Keep current on the changing medicolegal landscape

An expert offers an overview of the changing medicolegal landscape and how physicians can navigate it.
1 May 2024

Women's health rights drive expansion of ACP policy

ACP's positions on women's health policy have grown from a few paragraphs into position papers, policies, and most importantly, progress.
1 May 2024

Health policy 'valentines' from ACP

ACP actively worked to improve the lives of members and their patients in 2023 by addressing several key issues, such as reducing administrative burdens and calling for Medicare to be able to negotiate prescription drug prices.
1 Feb 2024

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