Search results for "Readmissions"

Results 1 - 9 of about 9 for "Readmissions".

Hospital readmission rates do not vary widely among primary care physicians

Among 4,230 primary care physicians in Texas, one had a 30-day readmission rate significantly higher than the mean of 12.9%, while none had a significantly lower rate.
21 May 2019


Perfecting the post-discharge visit

Physicians and health care researchers are looking at the effectiveness of the post-discharge visit and how best to implement it for maximum results.
1 Sep 2015

‘Patient navigator’ intervention reduces readmissions among older but not younger high-risk safety-net patients

Older patients who were cared for at safety-net hospitals and were at high risk for readmission had lower 30-day readmission rates if they received coaching and assistance from community health workers acting as patient navigators, but the same benefits were not seen among younger patients, a new study found.
3 Feb 2015

Postdischarge efforts fail to reduce readmissions

Two separate projects to reduce patients' hospital readmissions within 30 days of discharge by providing more postdischarge support reported negative results last week.
7 Oct 2014

EMR-based risk stratification plus increased support for highest-risk patients improves readmission rates in heart failure

Risk stratification using an electronic medical record (EMR) combined with the use of evidence-based interventions for patients at highest risk helped reduce readmissions for heart failure, a new study found.
6 Aug 2013

New models predict risk of readmission after PCI

Researchers have developed two models to predict patients' risk of readmission within 30 days of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI).
9 Jul 2013

Score can predict readmission risk

A prediction score can identify before discharge the likelihood of a potentially avoidable 30-day readmission, a new study suggests.
2 Apr 2013

Majority of rehospitalizations after MI are for unrelated causes

More than 40% of 30-day rehospitalizations after a myocardial infarction (MI) were related to the MI, while the rest were due to other causes or for unclear reasons, reported a study.
3 Jul 2012

Little evidence supports interventions to reduce hospital readmissions

There's no definitive evidence that any single intervention reduces 30-day hospital readmissions, a literature review concluded.
18 Oct 2011

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