Search results for "Prostate Cancer"
MRI less cost-effective than PSA as first-line testing for prostate cancer
Even assuming that biparametric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was free of charge, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing followed by multiparametric MRI as necessary was more cost-effective, a modeling study found.
4 Jun 2024
New research evaluates strategies for prostate cancer screening
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening reduced mortality over the long term, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and targeted biopsies improved early detection, and a multistep screening protocol involving a PSA test, a 4-kallikrein panel, and an MRI showed promise.
9 Apr 2024
No overall association seen between postdiagnosis low-dose aspirin, prostate cancer mortality
Data were collected from a nationwide Danish registry on tumor characteristics, drug use, primary prostate cancer therapy, comorbid conditions, and socioeconomic variables for men with incident prostate adenocarcinoma between 2000 and 2011.
5 Mar 2019
Radical prostatectomy for localized cancer extended life span compared to watchful waiting
The amount of absolute benefit from surgery depended on the baseline risk defined by extracapsular extension and a Gleason score higher than 7, according to long-term follow-up data from a Scandinavian study.
18 Dec 2018
Digital rectal exam may be ineffective for prostate cancer screening, meta-analysis indicates
The authors recommended against routine screening with this method in primary care to minimize unnecessary diagnostic testing, overdiagnosis, and overtreatment.
20 Mar 2018
Task Force draft recommendation leaves PSA screening choice up to patients
Clinicians should talk to men ages 55 to 69 about the potential benefits and harms of screening, according to the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. For men ages 70 years and older, the potential benefits of prostate-specific antigen (PSA)-based screening do not outweigh the harms, the Task Force said.
18 Apr 2017
Little difference found among prostate cancer treatments regarding clinical results, patient-reported outcomes
More men in the active-monitoring group developed metastases than in the surgery or radiotherapy groups, and there were higher rates of disease progression in the active-monitoring group than in the surgery or radiotherapy groups.
20 Sep 2016
Studies find rates of PSA screening, incidence of early-stage prostate cancer declining
An editorial called for personalized screening strategies that are tailored to a man's individual risk and preferences.
24 Nov 2015
Androgen-deprivation therapy associated with increased risk of cardiac mortality in men with cardiovascular problems
Androgen-deprivation therapy (ADT) for prostate cancer was associated with a 5% absolute excess risk of cardiac-specific mortality at 5 years in men with congestive heart failure or prior myocardial infarction, a study found.
4 Nov 2014
No mortality benefit associated with primary androgen deprivation therapy in localized prostate cancer
Primary androgen deprivation therapy (PADT) yielded no mortality benefit compared with no PADT in men with clinically localized prostate cancer, according to a new study.
25 Mar 2014
Surgery performs better than radiotherapy for non-metastatic prostate cancer
Surgery was associated with better survival than radiotherapy in men with non-metastatic prostate cancer, according to a large observational study with follow-up as long as 15 years.
11 Mar 2014
Radical prostatectomy may offer advantages over watchful waiting
Men with prostate cancer may survive longer with radical prostatectomy than watchful waiting, especially if they are younger than 65 years of age at diagnosis, a study suggested.
11 Mar 2014
Emphasize potential prostate biopsy and cancer treatment outcomes when discussing risks, benefits of PSA testing
One-third of men age 65 and older with abnormal prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels elect to have a prostate biopsy, yet once cancer is detected most men undergo immediate treatment regardless of advanced age and multiple comorbidities, a study found.
23 Apr 2013
Prostate cancer treatment options result in similar 15-year outcomes
Functional outcomes among men undergoing prostatectomy or radiotherapy for prostate cancer differed at two and five years of follow-up, but significant differences were no longer present by 15 years, a study found.
5 Feb 2013
Research model supports strategies that increase PSA screening interval and age-specific thresholds for biopsy
Using higher thresholds for biopsy referral for older men and screening men with initially low prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels less frequently seem to reduce harms of screening while preserving lives, a study found.
5 Feb 2013
Benefit of PSA screening diminished in an analysis of ERSPC data using QALYs
A new analysis quantified the effects of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening on men's quality of life.
21 Aug 2012
European study finds prostate cancer mortality reduced by PSA screening
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA)-based screening significantly reduced mortality from prostate cancer but did not affect all-cause mortality, according to two more years of follow-up results in the European Randomized Study of Screening for Prostate Cancer.
20 Mar 2012
Aiding patients' decisions on PSA screening
Routine prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening of all men over a certain age began about 20 years ago, but the certainty about whether that was or is wise medical practice is long gone.
1 Jul 2011
Surgery associated with less prostate cancer mortality than surveillance
Radical prostatectomy was associated with fewer deaths from prostate cancer compared to watchful waiting, a Scandinavian study found. But the results may not apply in the U.S., where more prostate-specific antigen testing occurs.
10 May 2011
Behavioral therapy reduces incontinence after radical prostatectomy
Behavioral therapy reduces incontinence after radical prostatectomy
25 Jan 2011