Search results for "Physician survey"
Big changes made to E/M codes in 2021
Beginning in January, physicians billing for Medicare patients no longer have to use a patient's history or physical exam to determine the appropriate level of E/M coding.
1 Jan 2021
AHRQ seeks physician input on shared decision-making tools
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is seeking physician input on the development of new clinical tools and workshops to support shared health care decision making.
9 Jul 2013
Survey on physician interest in the EHR meaningful use incentive
The HIMSS health information technology organization is conducting a survey to gauge physician interest in Medicare incentives for meaningful use of a qualified electronic health record system.
19 Apr 2011
How do physicians really feel about health care today?
Despite grumblings on social media, physicians are upbeat on the topics of health information technology, value-based payments, and the Affordable Care Act.
1 Oct 2015
Earnings gaps exist between black and white male physicians, male and female physicians
The authors wrote that efforts to eliminate race- and sex-based disparities in earnings potential will likely need to look beyond opening up opportunities for minorities and women in higher-paying specialties.
14 Jun 2016
Physicians avoid e-prescribing even if they have access
Physicians avoid e-prescribing even if they have access
3 Aug 2010
Fear of malpractice suits prompts more tests, emergency department referrals
Medicare patients received more diagnostic tests and referrals to the emergency department when treated by physicians who worry more about malpractice liability, regardless of whether states have adopted common malpractice tort reforms, a study found.
13 Aug 2013