Search results for "Peripheral Artery Disease"

Results 1 - 10 of about 10 for "Peripheral Artery Disease".

Guideline updates recommendations on management of lower-limb PAD

The American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association updated their peripheral artery disease (PAD) guideline to offer more evidence-based management options, including a recommendation in support of using rivaroxaban combined with low-dose aspirin.
21 May 2024

Telmisartan does not improve walking performance in PAD

A randomized double-blind trial compared the angiotensin-receptor blocker with placebo in patients with peripheral artery disease (PAD) and found no difference in six-minute walk distance over six months.
11 Oct 2022

Home-based, physical therapist-led behavior change program boosted walking distance in patients with PAD

The randomized trial, which connected patients with intermittent claudication due to peripheral artery disease (PAD) with physical therapists, found an increase in mean six-minute walk distance but no improvement in patient-reported quality of life.
19 Apr 2022

Low-intensity home-based exercise does not improve walking performance in PAD

A randomized trial found that patients with peripheral artery disease (PAD) assigned to high-intensity walking significantly improved their distances on the 6-minute walk test at 12-month follow-up, while those in a low-intensity group did not.
13 Apr 2021

Cardiovascular medications underused in Hispanic/Latino patients with PAD

Efforts to improve peripheral artery disease (PAD) treatment in Hispanic/Latino populations are needed, including improved access to health care and more guideline-adherent treatment, according to the authors of a recent study.
11 Aug 2020

Statin uptake suboptimal in PAD, industry-funded study finds

Patients with peripheral artery disease (PAD) were less likely to be taking statins than those with cerebrovascular disease or coronary heart disease, despite a high risk for atherosclerotic events.
14 Jul 2020

Guideline-based care underused for PAD, study says

Interventions to optimize secondary prevention, such as physician note “checklists” or other systematic prescription programs, might improve medication use and lifestyle counseling.
2 May 2017

Revascularization may offer patients with claudication more improvement in patient self-reported outcomes than medical management, study finds

It may be premature for interventionalists to treat more patients with claudication and measure patient-reported outcomes during the process, according to an accompanying editorial.
23 Aug 2016

Unsupervised walking regimen may improve fitness in patients with PAD

A home-based walking exercise program significantly improved walking endurance, physical activity, and speed in patients with peripheral artery disease (PAD), according to a recent trial.
9 Jul 2013

An easy screen for an overlooked disease

Despite poor awareness and a lack of training on handling peripheral artery disease, internists can and should be able to recognize the symptoms and manage 95% of cases. Experts advise how to diagnose and treat the condition.
1 Apr 2011

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