Search results for "Patient-Centered Care"
Better care for patients with disability
Physicians report lacking knowledge about their legal responsibilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and may not be confident about their ability to provide the same quality of care to patients with disability as they do to those without it.
1 Jun 2022
New ACP Patient Priorities Care online curriculum focuses on patients' goals, preferences
Patient Priorities Care is an approach that focuses on aligning care with what matters most to the patient and is particularly well suited for older adults with multiple chronic conditions.
4 Jun 2019
New ACP position paper details how patient-centered care can improve outcomes
A related ACP toolkit provides practical resources to help physicians implement ACP's principles for patient and family partnership in care in their practices.
4 Dec 2018
How your patient's ‘bucket list’ can help guide care
One researcher believes that learning about patients' future goals can help internists guide care.
1 Jun 2018
ACP and Consumer Reports release new series of patient-centered articles on health topics
Topics include the importance of adult immunizations, how to manage your health by knowing your numbers such as blood pressure and which health screenings to get, and the most appropriate setting to seek care when you're sick or healthy.
10 Nov 2015
Patient engagement main topic of ACP's 2014 Healthcare Roundtable
Patient engagement and patient-centered care were the topics of discussion at the fourth meeting of the ACP Healthcare Roundtable, held at ACP's Philadelphia headquarters on Dec. 9. The ACP Healthcare Roundtable provides a forum for industry leaders and ACP governance and staff to discuss critical issues affecting health care.
24 Feb 2015
PCORI now accepting applications
The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) is accepting applications for its current advisory panels until Monday, March 4.
26 Feb 2013
NCQA offers specialty practices early adopter opportunity
The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) is releasing in March the Patient Centered Specialty Recognition Program to recognize those non-primary care practices that engage in processes that promote high-quality, patient-centered, integrated care.
26 Feb 2013
Pilot program offers a road map for PCMH model of care
Internists who have attempted to convert to a patient-centered medical home model have quickly learned the process isn't always easy. But a pilot program found the results appeared worth it: fewer emergency visits and patients who take better care of their own health.
1 Nov 2012
URAC seeks comments on new Patient Centered Health Care Home toolkits
URAC seeks comments on new Patient Centered Health Care Home toolkits
13 Jul 2010