Search results for "Osteoporosis"

Results 1 - 14 of about 14 for "Osteoporosis".

Denosumab associated with hypocalcemia requiring treatment in patients with advanced CKD

The risk of hypocalcemia requiring ED or hospital care in patients taking denosumab appeared to increase with worsening chronic kidney disease (CKD) stage, with dialysis dependence, and with CKD-mineral and bone disorder, an analysis found.
19 Nov 2024

New ACP paper reviews performance measures for osteoporosis

Of the six osteoporosis performance measures relevant to internal medicine physicians, only one is valid at three levels of attribution, i.e., individual physician, group practice, and health plan, an ACP assessment found.
10 Oct 2023

Closing the gap on osteoporosis

A new clinical guideline from ACP focuses on pharmacologic treatment of primary osteoporosis or low bone mass to prevent fractures in adults.
1 May 2023

ACP issues new osteoporosis guidance

The new clinical guideline from the College updates its 2017 recommendations on pharmacologic treatment of primary osteoporosis or low bone mass to prevent fractures in adults.
3 Jan 2023

Traumatic fractures associated with subsequent fracture risk in postmenopausal women

Data from the Women's Health Initiative suggest that either a high-trauma or low-trauma fracture warrants evaluation for osteoporosis and counseling about fracture risk.
15 Jun 2021

Bisphosphonates associated with lower fracture risk, not associated with mortality

Lower mortality rates linked to bisphosphonates in previous observational studies might be due to direct biological effects of treatment, authors of a recent meta-analysis noted.
27 Aug 2019

Osteoporosis screening, treatment uncommon after stroke

Among 16,581 patients, 5.1% underwent poststroke bone mineral density testing and 15.5% received fracture prevention treatment within one year.
30 Apr 2019

Guideline recommends pharmacologic treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women at high fracture risk

Bisphosphonates are recommended for initial treatment, although ibandronate is not recommended for reducing nonvertebral or hip fracture risk, the clinical practice guideline from the Endocrine Society stated.
2 Apr 2019

Osteoporosis treatment often not started after hip fracture in elderly patients, study finds

The study found a continuous decline in starting osteoporosis treatment after hip fracture from 2004 to 2015, as well as a clinically meaningful reduction in rate of subsequent nonvertebral fracture in patients who did begin treatment versus those who did not.
24 Jul 2018

ACR guideline recommends customized approach for prevention of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis

Recommendations include treating only with calcium and vitamin D in adults at low fracture risk, and adding an additional osteoporosis medication (oral bisphosphonate preferred) in adults at moderate to high fracture risk.
20 Jun 2017

ACP strongly recommends generic bisphosphonates, denosumab to prevent fractures in women with osteoporosis

The guideline focuses on the comparative benefits and risks of short- and long-term drug treatments for low bone density or osteoporosis, including prescriptions, calcium, vitamin D, and estrogen.
9 May 2017

Benefits, harms of osteoporosis medications unclear for patients with CKD

Among several gaps in medical knowledge, there was conflicting or insufficient evidence of the effectiveness of bisphosphonates on fractures and safety in transplant recipients and patients with chronic kidney disease.
11 Apr 2017

Act early to counter rise in osteoporosis

Recent studies indicate that late-life bone resiliency has been eroding, and newly released guidelines suggest diagnostic and treatment strategies to counteract that slide among women.
1 Jan 2017

Repeat bone mineral density tests during osteoporosis treatment may help identify women at increased fracture risk, study finds

Monitoring bone mineral density in routine clinical practice may identify women with a suboptimal response to osteoporosis treatment who would benefit from closer follow-up, researchers noted.
19 Jul 2016

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