Search results for "Opioid Prescribing"

Results 1 - 3 of about 3 for "Opioid Prescribing".

High-dose opioid use dropping in the VA, but opioids frequently discontinued involuntarily, studies find

Recent studies from the Veterans Health Administration looked at voluntary and involuntary opioid reduction; high-dose, long-term opioid therapy; and quality improvement efforts for opioid use disorder treatment.
10 Nov 2020

Safe prescribing can lessen overdose risk

In what one commentator called an “appalling” finding, 90% of patients in a recent study admitted to a hospital with a prescription opioid overdose eventually received another opioid prescription##mdash;often from the same clinician. Efforts to improve safe prescribing hope to fix the problem.
1 Oct 2016

States aim to limit opioid prescriptions

In an effort to curb the nation's opioid crisis, state legislators are pursuing laws to limit prescribing, resulting in pushback from some doctors worried about the clinical implications, or in some cases physicians backing off from treating chronic pain patients.
1 Oct 2016

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