Search results for "Lifestyle Management"

Results 1 - 4 of about 4 for "Lifestyle Management".

Becoming a physician and a parent

Through research and advocacy, physician-parents are pushing for changes to the challenges of starting a family during training.
1 Nov 2023

Exercise a fitting path to improved health

Some physicians tout successes in getting patients moving more by suggesting incremental changes in their activity levels, and also by highlighting the more immediately visible payoffs.
1 Apr 2021

Consensus lacking on lifestyle and dementia

Boosting exercise, controlling blood pressure, and pursuing cognitive training are likely to lower the risk for cognitive decline and dementia in the long term, although the evidence is not conclusive.
1 Oct 2017

Sustained change a challenge for health

Health-linked incentives have become increasingly common, particularly by employers. But researchers are still trying to sort out what type and design of incentives are most effective and whether they hold significant potential to achieve both short- and long-term behavioral changes.
1 May 2016

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