Search results for "Internal Medicine Meeting 2016"
Don't just volunteer, be good at it
The key to being a good volunteer is to be placed at an appropriate site and find a volunteering experience that suits your needs.
1 Jul 2016
How to manage sinusitis, CAP in outpatients
It might require a little detective work before offering a cure to patients with common outpatient infections such as sinusitis and community-acquired pneumonia (CAP).
1 Jul 2016
Keys to taking a neurological history
The most powerful tool in neurology is the history and physical exam, including the requirement that patients walk in the presence of neurologists, in order to better understand symptoms.
1 Jul 2016
Pearls for lowering lipids
New guidelines recommend basing treatment decisions on levels of risk rather than LDL targets.
1 Jul 2016
New insulins present benefits, challenges
Insulin types and doses newly approved by the FDA present new opportunities and challenges for glycemic control.
1 Jul 2016
Unwind the ‘story’ to diagnose asthma, allergies
Every asthma or allergy patient has a story, and the details that the patients relate tell the internist how best to manage and treat several conditions that are interrelated and frequently comorbid.
1 Jul 2016
Spotting syphilis, other STIs in the internist's office
Some patients need more than just routine screening for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Accurate diagnosis and timely treatment can improve quality of life while preventing re-infection.
1 Jul 2016
NAFLD treatment starts with weight loss, then other modes
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which accounts for 30% to 40% of chronic liver disease in the U.S. today, is the hepatic manifestation of the metabolic syndrome and is associated with sleep apnea, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.
1 Jul 2016
Career opportunities available at ACP's annual meeting
Job seekers' profiles are guaranteed to be distributed to participating employers who submitted a job posting to the center. Physicians do not have to attend the meeting to submit a profile.
15 Mar 2016
Internal Medicine Meeting 2016 covers clinical questions
Internists working to implement best practices on complicated topics will find a wealth of advice at Internal Medicine Meeting 2016, to be held May 5-7 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C.
1 Mar 2016