Search results for "Hospital Medicine"

Results 1 - 5 of about 5 for "Hospital Medicine".

Tell ACP Hospitalist about your staffing innovations

The scheduling and staffing innovations of ACP members in hospital medicine will be the focus of ACP Hospitalist's next special issue. Share your experience to potentially be featured in it.
26 Sep 2023

Perioperative medicine changed in the pandemic

In the face of a lack of guidance on perioperative medicine during the COVID-19 pandemic, many hospitals are developing their own guidelines on timing of surgery after infection in vaccinated patients.
1 May 2022

Continuous glucose monitoring gains traction in hospitals

Real-time continuous glucose monitoring is seeing a real-world trial after the FDA stated it would not object to its use during the COVID-19 pandemic
1 Mar 2021

Textbook edition reflects evolution of hospital medicine

The first update of “Principles and Practice of Hospital Medicine” exemplifies how hospital medicine has evolved and the skills that hospitalists need to have.
1 Feb 2017

Unique state of payments as Maryland uses uniform prices

Hospital charges in Maryland have been set by the state for 4 decades, and more reforms are on the way. The effort has led to all insurers paying the same price for the same services in the same hospitals, and now, the state is looking to improve facilities' readmission rates and other quality metrics.
1 Apr 2014

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